A little late, due to the COVID19 lockdown, but giving you a taste of what’s to come in our 2020 Annual Shelter Report – ENJOY!
In this edition ….
A message from the National Director … “The days ahead will be difficult, but we at Habitat Trinidad and Tobago remain committed to supporting the most vulnerable among us at this time. It’s crises like these that signal how
important our work is – more people than ever before in this country are now at risk of losing their homes and facing an uncertain future.
COVID19 Mythbusters and Sign Language Interpretation for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing … “Using information compiled from the World Health Organization, we have prepared an easy-to-access download to share with your friends and family. We are hoping to dispel some of the misinformation spreading about the pandemic. Please email us at contactus@habitat-tt.org to access the file! We also produced a public service announcement in collaboration with #TeamLegen and #ThePositivesInTandT to disseminate #COVID19 information in Trinidad and Tobago Sign Language.”
Habitat for Humanity Trinidad and Tobago is pleased to share some first quarter highlights with you as we continue our work in service of humanity...
The first Newsletter of 2021 features stories on our transition to virtual training and the triumphs of our communities over the challenges of the...
The San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation and the Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation embarked on a wide-scale address improvement project...
In this edition: Trinidad Systems Limited Foundation – TSL is celebrating 40 years of service in Trinidad and welcomed this collaboration with...
A little late, due to the COVID19 lockdown, but giving you a taste of what’s to come in our 2020 Annual Shelter Report – ENJOY! In...
Habitat Trinidad and Tobago’s Annual General Meeting 2019 was held at the Yara Auditorium at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business in...
The new Fiscal Year 2020 (July 2019 – June 2020) finds us investing and building greater capacities in our team, and finding new and innovative...
As we come to the end of a year of triumphs and challenges, joys and sorrows, progress and setbacks, we look back with gratitude for the continued...
Habitat Trinidad and Tobago is pleased to share our latest Annual Report with you. For the last 23 years, we have empowered many citizens of...
“We must all learn not only to not fear change, but to embrace it enthusiastically and, perhaps even more important, encourage and drive it” ...
Habitat Trinidad and Tobago is pleased to share our latest Annual Report with you. Download from here Shelter Report 2017(Final) Featured articles:...