The new Fiscal Year 2020 (July 2019 – June 2020) finds us investing and building greater capacities in our team, and finding new and innovative ways to raise awareness, make friends and grow funds. Since 1997, we have served 877 families with shelter solutions – new houses, repairs, renovations, completions – and trained 4,951 people. We have supported almost 25,000 people in their quest for safe, decent, adequate and affordable shelter! With your unwavering support in the years to come, we can serve many more persons in need of safe, decent and affordable access to shelter.
To this end, we are happy to introduce you to the work of our Architects of Change. Five caring citizens have answered the call to take small, yet significant actions in their lives, and become an Architect of Change for our country. Because they believe that everyone deserves a decent place to call home, these long-standing supporters of Habitat’s work are prepared to put themselves forward to encourage their peers and the national community to work with us. We all have the power to be Architects of Change in our own lives, in our own homes and our own communities. This is the opportunity to challenge what is, imagine what can be, then create the future we want for our country. Together, we CAN make a difference, play a part in moving our nation forward and ultimately, build safe, stable and self-reliant, caring, conscious, connected and compassionate communities.

Proman’s CEO David Cassidy helping Cherrylyn to build her home
The Proman Group has completed the first year of a multi-year collaboration with Habitat for Humanity. Two demonstration houses and two repair projects were completed, and the four families joined Proman’s team on the Painting and Dedication Day in Valencia. Proman also supports our Disaster Resilience Programme by funding free public discussions on Family Emergency Preparation and Healthy Housing Habits. We can do targeted presentations for schools, communities and vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities, gender communities), so if you would like to learn more, please
- Trinidad Systems Limited (TSL) – Foundation
This project began as a simple micr0-build, with the TSL Foundation offering to support Chantal in Valencia. TSL is celebrating 40 years of service in Trinidad and welcomed this collaboration with Habitat in serving a family. This team was so excited to help and convinced their clients to take an interest in the family. The result? Chantal and her three young children will soon move into a NEW house! To date, more than 50 TSL volunteers have come out to support the cause!
- Coosals
In November 2019, Habitat hosted the groundbreaking ceremony to herald the start of construction for Angela in collaboration with Coosals Group of Companies. Angela is legally blind and her son Aaron has cerebral palsy. Angela’s story was featured on the front page in the Trinidad Express on November 9th, 2019. Sieunarine Coosal joined the Habitat Advisory Board in 2006 and later transitioned to the Capital Campaign Cabinet. He was inducted into the Trinidad & Tobago Chamber of Commerce Business Hall of Fame in 2019, and he is one of the four influential corporate leaders seen in the Habitat Endorsement Videos aired daily on CCN TV6 to highlight our work in the national community. We have benefited tremendously from millions of TT Dollars in blocks, gravel, fill and other construction inputs from this Spirit of Humanity Award winner over the years, and the Group will continue their journey with us in FY20, supporting Habitat Homeowners through in-kind donations of building materials for new houses and micro builds.
- Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited (PLNL)
Habitat partnered with PLNL to gift 25 families within their fence line with Christmas Hampers. Four of the families represented lost fisher folk in ambushes earlier this year.
Corporate Support – Capital Campaign Cabinet
At the end of 2019 Mr. Ronald Harford, Chairman of the Capital Campaign Cabinet retired his position at Republic Bank and also indicated that he will be stepping down from all other duties and responsibilities. A “Thank You” reception is planned for February 13th 2020 to say our farewells to Mr. Harford, and to chart the way forward for the Campaign and the Cabinet members.
- Police Youth Group project
The “Recycle for a Life Cycle” was hosted on Saturday 19th October 2019 at the Police Administration compound at Riverside Plaza. Young people (and the young at heart!) attended from across the Police Youth Groups network. It was a successful day and the participants proudly displayed their finished products. The participating clubs were:
- Maraval/Paramin, Indian Walk, St. Joseph, Maracas-St. Joseph, St. Barbs, Aripo, Greenvale, Morvant, St. Clair and John John.
- Starbucks
We celebrated World Habitat Day 2019 with a collaboration with Starbucks in Trinidad and Tobago. This coffee morning was instrumental in raising awareness of our work.
- Rotary Club of Port of Spain West
This group joined forces with the Rotoract and painted Hannah’s house in Sangre Grande. It’s an annual event for the Rotary Club in Trinidad and Tobago, with various groups coming together to support our homeowners in their quest to acquire safe, decent and affordable housing.
- Annual General Meeting
Held at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, this year’s gathering welcomed the new Habitat for Humanity Vice-President for Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Ernesto Garcia, to Trinidad and Tobago for his first visit. In his feature address, he emphasized the importance of Housing as a process that creates a sense of place and dignity, building community cohesion as well as one’s social and financial network and assets. These changes benefit the larger community, reducing inequality and building resilience against economic and natural disasters. Read more …
- Shelter Report
For the last 22 years, we have empowered many citizens of Trinidad and Tobago to achieve a better quality of life through safe and affordable housing. Since 1997, we have served 877 families with shelter solutions – new houses, repairs, renovations, completions – and trained 4,951 people. We have supported almost 25,000 people in their quest for safe, decent, adequate and affordable shelter! During the past year, we’ve been able to provide 130 shelter solutions, raised TT$5.9m in funding and facilitated 6,028 volunteer hours. To see all of the highlights and accomplishments from the last year, please click here.
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Click here to make an online donation to support our work. You can also donate through our Republic Bank account #180482534101.