IV Housing and Habitat Forum – Registration is now open!

What is it?

The IV Housing and Habitat Forum is the only multi-actor space in the sector in the region that seeks to share, collectively reimagine, and build the new reality of housing and cities. In this event, we will bring together government authorities, international organizations, local governments, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, financiers, civil society, community leaders, and professionals in the sector to share experiences, lessons learned, trends, and challenges on the subject of housing and urban habitats.

Due to the pandemic, the Forum’s fourth edition will be a virtual event from May 17 to 21, 2021.  Registration is now open!

Forum objectives

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed serious inequities in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has also further impacted the vulnerability and precariousness of settlements and housing in the communities.

Two deep structural crises of lasting impact have occurred – a health crisis and an economic crisis of historic proportions, which has deepened poverty, inequality, unemployment, and informality in the region. Both add to other crises that already existed: migration, climate change, and disasters, as well as political and social instability.

Given this reality, the IV Housing and Habitat Forum aims to generate ideas to overcome the crisis in social housing and vulnerable settlements, both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and contribute to economic reactivation and social equity.


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